Anti Taco Bell Egg Roll

Why any one craves the crappy food that Taco Bell puts out is beyond me. With such simple ingredients I don't understand how Taco Hell manages to make it taste like such complete and total crap. With that as motivation, here is a unique and tasty option that wont have you sitting on the toilet for the better part of the next morning.

A simple bean and cheese egg roll that provides everything tired drunk person needs in a quick Mexican finger food.

What you need:
Egg roll wrappers
Sliced American Cheese
Re-fried beans
1 tablespoon of olive oil

It's anything but complicated but there is a good chance drunk people will be cooking this so lets spell it out.

1. Set the egg roll wrappers out to warm up to room temperature for easier folding and get some olive oil heating up in a medium heat pan.

2. Gather up the materials and tools you'll need.
Crack that can of re-fried beans open and do your best not to notice how similar it is to dog food. Then, peal the plastic off a slice of American cheese and your ready to assemble.

3. Assemble.
Place the egg roll wrapper on the working surface and the slice of American cheese on the upper portion of the wrap. Do your best to keep it lined up with the egg roll wrapper, it will roll better. Then, spread the re-fried beans directly on top of the cheese slice. Squirt a little hot sauce of your choice on the re-fried beans if you need the spice. I suggest it.

4. Roll and pan fry.
Roll the egg roll wrapper from the top down until the ingredients are fully wrapped (about half way) then fold in the side corners, taking care to keep it nice and neat. Once you have them tucked in, roll the rest of the way down and seal with a little water or hot sauce.

A poorly rolled egg roll will let all the melting cheese out and who wants to get jipped on cheese. This post shows a proper roll.

Tilt the pan slightly to pool the oil and hold one end of the egg roll in the hot oil to seal the ends. This will keep it from squirting out all over your shirt and party pants. Then, place the rolled bean and cheese egg roll in the pan and let it get gold brown on all sides.

Lastly, set the egg roll to the side for just a couple of minutes as not to burn the crap out of you mouth. This is a good time to crack another beer and get a show on the tube.


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