What's the answer to the "what to do with the left over Thanks Giving food?"

Egg Roll Wrappers
What's the answer to the "what to do with the left over Thanks Giving food?" Egg rolls! Some of you will have you head space all out of whack about egg roll wrappers but, don't stress it. It's pasta. Simple water and rice flour pasta that has been rolled thin and readied for creative cooking. Versatile enough for savory or sweet and the filling possibilities are endless.

Set the egg roll wrappers out a for 15 minutes or so to warm up to room temperature. Chilled wrappers have tendency to break when over packed. Be sure to keep wrappers in a sealed bag when not being used. When ready, take them out of the plastic and get ready to roll.

The Process:
Three easy steps. Stuff. Roll. Fry.

Use a little of the liquid from the cranberry sauce in a small bowl as you wrapper glue. Just run the liquid around the out side edges and anywhere else you need a little extra holding power. Start by tucking the filling inside the top portion of the egg roll wrapper.

Bring the egg roll corners together on the back side of the filling to ensure they wrapper doesn't leave excess wrapper on the edges.

Get some olive oil in a medium heat pan.. no need to douse it just give it something to sizzle in.

Pan fry the egg rolls until GB&D (Golden Brown and Delicious) on all for sides for a nice chewy yet crispy texture. If you have a particularly runny filling you might also set in on end with some tongs for a few minutes to seal on the ends and keep it off your shirt.

Simple as that.. here are some combinations that worked well for me:

Turkey, Tomato and Cheese
Simple ingredients make profound rolls. Think of you favorite meals and the key ingredients those meals... then wrap them. Finger foods at their best.

Sliced cheese may seem a little college but, plain old yellow American is the perfect cheese. Trust me.

Turkey and mashed potatoes egg rolls with sawmill gravy
This would be great with just about any potato leftover.

Use a little inside the wrapper.

Get creative with it. Use a little turkey drippings sawmill gravy to dip the turkey and potatoes egg rolls in.

Turkey with jellied cranberry sauce and Sushi Rice
The sushi rice its really just to balance out the textures.

Hope this finds you well and good luck with the in-laws!

Deglaze with a Lemon

After cooking up that chicken pork or fish, try deglazing with halved lemon and scrubbing the pan down as if it were a scouring pad. You'll be amazed how well the lemon picks up the bits and together with some olive oil from the cooking it will make a great dressing or topping for you meat. Fresh light and full of those magical little bits.